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In response to the Empire Station Complex plan by the Empire State Development Corp., Save Chelsea has been an active participant in forums to explain its effects to the public. On August 19, 2022 Save Chelsea trustees attended a special listening session with Rep. Carolyn Maloney to address the plan's impacts on the neighborhood.


















Learn more about Chelsea's Landmarked Buildings


Download to read the Historic District Council’s newly published Six to Celebrate brochure, “A Guide to Historic New York”.  The brochure includes a brief history of Chelsea and illustrated descriptions of nineteen historic sites from full-block giants like London Terrace and the Starrett-Lehigh Building to tiny treasures like the Empire Diner and West 18th Street stables. A map is also included. 












Click on the image to download a guide to Chelsea's landmarked buildings.

When the Real Estate Mogul Tried to Supersize His $8 Million Brownstone

In Chelsea, a wealthy investor with plans for a dream home must face preservationists who contend that things have gone too far. Read more. 









On Cushman Row, a Win for Preservationists and Historic Districts

"The LPC, led by Chair Sarah Carroll, patiently listened to testimony by elected officials, preservationist groups, and individuals—and came down on the side of genuine protection, by rejecting the most destructive part of the proposal."
Read more.

'That's Like Cutting The Baby In Half': Chelsea Preservationists Oppose Rear Demolition Of Historic Rowhouse - 418 West 20th Street

Preservationists and neighbors are fighting a Chelsea homeowner’s plan to demolish and expand the back of a nearly $8 million rowhouse, saying that such a move would ruin the uniform look and character of a prized group of homes built around 1840.  Read more.  


Save Chelsea's letter opposing facadism at Cushman Row.
















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[Sept 25, 2024]  The City Planning Commission voted this morning to approve Mayor Adams' City of Yes for Housing Opportunity initiative which would override current zoning regulations in a misguided bid to lower housing costs. The vote was less than unanimous, with Commissioners Cerullo, Goodridge, and Osorio voting "no," and Commissioner Benjamin voting "yes" with many critical remarks.  


The proposal now goes to the City Council, which will vote on it before the end of the year. While Council Member Chris Marte, representing Lower Manhattan's District 1, has gone on the record as having issues with the plan, Council Member Erik Bottcher who represents Chelsea and Hell's Kitchen has not taken a clear position. Manhattan Community Board 4, which includes these neighborhoods, voted to oppose the plan unless it was substantially modified. 


Save Chelsea is on record as opposing City of Yes for Housing Opportunity for failing to mandate construction of affordable housing and encouraging destruction of the affordable housing we have. 


As we move forward, Save Chelsea remains dedicated to championing housing policies that genuinely address affordability and prioritize the needs of New Yorkers over the interests of developers. We urge constituents to contact their council member to share their objections and urge the City Council to make the drastic changes this text needs to truly support housing policies that will preserve and develop affordable housing.

Save Chelsea Remembers Ed Kirkland

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